Your Dream Job

If you’re passionate about transforming lives, we could have the job for you, with real career pathways and great work-life balance.


BodyRight Healthcare has over four decades of clinical history and is well established as a premium Healthcare Provider of Allied Health Services Aged Care, Community Care and NDIS Participants.

Our goal is to set the national benchmark for the services we provide.

Critical to our success in reaching this goal is a team of stars playing to the same tune – come and join our band!

Why work with us?
Because, at Bodyright Healthcare we:

Have four decades of high-calibre clinical success
Embrace your clinical & personal development
Offer Flexible work arrangements
Value company culture and engagement
Offer a real career pathway with ongoing mentoring
Provide outstanding perks and benefits

Meet the Leaders

Our Founder and CEO Mark started his career in private practice as a physiotherapist. Transitioning into the aged care, community and disability care sector has been the best move he’s made, satisfying a long-held belief that you can have fun, help people and make a difference to their lives. When not playing guitar Mark can be found in his spa with a wine glass in hand.
Michelle is our effervescent Customer Relations Manager, she nurtures and  encourages all our team members like they’re family, making sure everyone’s happy and feels supported. When not at work, or masterchefing up a feast, Michelle is with Teddy, her beloved Groodle.
Maggie is originally from the UK and is blessed with the Irish charm, she’s always happy to tell a story or two. Maggie loves recruitment and has brought a wealth of 15 years of experience into her role as Talent Acquisition Manager at BodyRight Healthcare.
Jackie spent several years working as an Osteopath before moving into the role of Clinical Operations Manager at BodyRight Healthcare. A true foodie, on her weekends, Jackie scours Melbourne attempting to sample the fare of as many cafes and restaurants as possible!
Our Practice Manager Tracy fearlessly conquers the maze of referrals, appointments and scheduling with the finesse of a master puzzle solver. It’s well known she uses a magic wand to align clients, practitioners and appointments, all while maintaining her unstoppable productivity. A labrador-lover, Tracy’s pooches are Guide Dogs Victoria ambassadors. 
Dayna has been with BodyRight Healthcare for over two years ago as HR and Compliance Manager. Dayna loves supporting the fun, dynamic BodyRight team. Another of the BodyRight dog-lovers, Dayna has a Frenchy (Hank) who can be seen decked out in the yellow and black to support the Tigers on game days.

Staff Testimonials

Companies We Work With

Opportunities at BodyRight Healthcare

Occupational Therapist Vacancies
Occupational Therapy
Osteopath Vacancies
Exercise Physiologist Vacancies

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